February 21, 2010

My Drug

-February 2010-

You are like a drug to me, I can't get enough even though I know it's not good for me. I can't help but want to talk to you and be around you all the time. I'm addicted to you and I can't stay away, even though I know I should. You pop up in my dreams and when I feel alone there you are for me to talk to, you are a friend and more. It's as if you can see into my heart's deepest desires and the deepest most secret parts of my soul. You are like a drug to me, that is why I can't stay away. If I weren't able to talk to you or see your face I would go thru withdrawal. I crave your smile, and the look of affection in your eyes when you look at me. If I had to live my life without you I would go insane. Why can't I stay away when I know that I should? It is because you are my addiction, my drug.

February 20, 2010

Would You.....

-February 2010-

If I called and told you that I needed you would you come to me?
Would you come to my aid no matter what time of day or nite?

Would you be the one I can count on no matter where I was?
Would you find a way to get to me no matter what the cost?
Would you be my prince charming, my knight in shining armor,my superhero, my friend?
Would you cheer me up when I am down?
Would you pick me up when I have fallen and at my lowest?
Would you be the shoulder I can cry on?
Would you be the arms that embrace me when I need to be consoled?
Would you be my beacon in the distance leading me to home?
Would you be by my side when I'm sick and nurse me back to health?
Would you be the one who would love me no matter what?
Would you be my friend for many years to come?
I would do these things for the ones I care for.
Would you do the same for me?


-August 2009-

Love is a mysterious thing it can cause the most joy and the most pain at the same time. You can love someone and be content just lying in their arms, then the in the next instant you are heartbroken when they are away even for a short time. The instrument that is your heart can create the sweetest love song of all time, and then create the most melancholy song of longing that anyone has ever known. You can see an ocean that represents your unending passion in your love’s eyes and although it is calm and smooth there are storm clouds and turbulent waters on the horizon but they won’t always be there. If you love someone and they truly love you then you can always get through the rough patches in life and then your love will be even stronger because of it and no-one will be able to break that bond once it has been made.

My Love For You

-March 2009- 

When you are with me I feel safe and secure. When I look into your eyes I can see the love in them and I'm lost. When I'm in your arms I feel like you will never let anything hurt me.When we are apart I feel like part of me is missing, like there is a void in my heart that is only filled when you are there. You are my friend, my love, my knight in shining armor. You are there when I need you, and anytime I call. You are the calm in the raging sea that is my life. Just like the sea has tides we have our highs and lows, but you are the rock that I can cling to. When I'm upset all you need to do is smile and I feel happier as soon as I see your face. I love you and no matter what I will always have you in my heart.


-May 2008-

People in this world are blind when it comes to the people that are closest to them. They take for granted the things their loved ones do for them out of the goodness of their hearts. They ignore the kindness and generosity that others bestow upon them. They are numb to the fact that someone cares so much for them and they don't realize how much they are hurting that person by being blind to their feelings. They are blind to the fact that no matter how much they ignore and hurt them that person will stand by their side regardless because they love them so. They are blind to the reality that their loved one would do anything for them, that they would give up their life for them without hesitation. They are blind to the person standing right in front of them with their heart in their hand, and they crush it every time. People need to stop being blind and realize what they have right in front of their eyes. They need to realize that they have a precious gift, the gift of love and affection. Without love and affection there would be nothing worth living for and people are blind to that simple fact.