February 21, 2010

My Drug

-February 2010-

You are like a drug to me, I can't get enough even though I know it's not good for me. I can't help but want to talk to you and be around you all the time. I'm addicted to you and I can't stay away, even though I know I should. You pop up in my dreams and when I feel alone there you are for me to talk to, you are a friend and more. It's as if you can see into my heart's deepest desires and the deepest most secret parts of my soul. You are like a drug to me, that is why I can't stay away. If I weren't able to talk to you or see your face I would go thru withdrawal. I crave your smile, and the look of affection in your eyes when you look at me. If I had to live my life without you I would go insane. Why can't I stay away when I know that I should? It is because you are my addiction, my drug.

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